MGB Bakery + Sandwich Shop Coming Soon!
/"I can't shake this idea, Michael" I said. Before I went home that night, I stopped at Caravan Wine Shop (again... I basically give them all the credit for this idea - ha!). They were promoting a black manhattan recipe that afternoon, and if you know me, I like manhattans. This one had a spin on it (recipe below) and so I stopped there to pick up the Amaro. I went home, made the cocktail for my husband and I, and we sat around the fire with the dogs. And then I said.... "Here me out, Michael. Just what.... if......."
For those that have been following, you know ALL about our plans to expand into Central City Market (Madison St. Stevens Point), which is still on the agenda! That additional kitchen will give us the opportunity to focus on our community and the wholesale customers we want to collaborate with. While that (rather large) building is being renovated, I just honestly CANNOT wait, and NEED ya'll to enjoy our sandwiches we've been working on behind the scenes for the past few months.
SO >>> that means we are going to (in addition to our kitchen at Central City Market) expand into the kitchen space next to the current bakery location! Emy J's will continue serving their coffee, smoothies, etc. and we will take care of lunch & the sweet treats! Give us a few months to do some renovating, and don't mind the plastic we will have up while we are working on a new look for the kitchen & seating area! My husband has been working non-stop on this perfect little menu and how the lighting needs to look (he's a lighting guy..)
That "what if " idea turned into a reality real quick. The next morning, I saw Guy (the best landlord who has been the sweetest and most supportive since we've started) drinking a cup of coffee by the window. I walked over there a little nervous, and just said... "I have an idea I can't shake.. don't get too excited, but can we talk"
Once I get an idea, I just start planning. This can be a great thing.... and also like...what am I doing thing... and if my planning gets far enough, then things start to become real, and soon we've got ourselves an almost finalized menu, paint colors, and a cute soap dispenser - It's the little things.
Let's be real - I can't give you ALL the details, but this is a start, and I'm telling ya' - I haven't felt more alive. Let's have lunch, shall we? Eeeeee!
Cheers to 2022 - good sandwiches on good bread with good champagne. Always more champagne.