Flour grown & milled in WI?

Meuer Farm in Chilton, WI

Did you know that more than half of our flour is sourced locally right here in Wisconsin?
Meuer Farm, located in Chilton, WI supplies the whole grains we use in our baked goods.
We currently use their spelt flour, rye, and whole wheat. We are so fortunate to have them
sustainably growing grains in our area! Here’s a little ditty
right from their website about offering such a great product!

“Many people are searching for quality foods grown locally. You want to be part of a
growing movement: eat local foods (foods without chemicals), cook fresh, lower your
carbon footprint, support local farmers and feel good about your food.

When we look around our area to see what's being grown locally, we
find vegetables, meats, fruits and milk (YAY!). What's missing? Grains!

So, we decided to start growing grains. Whole grains like oats (a grain not grown in our area for decades)
and spelt (an ancient cousin to wheat). The response from people and businesses in our area (and state)
is so wonderful! We've been growing oats, spelt, winter wheat (pastry flour) and durum since 2014.
Since then, we've added emmer (an ancient grain), spring wheat (bread flour), rye, and einkorn.
We're so excited to be able to offer foods that are fresh, wholesome and delicious!

Our sustainable growing practices using organic fertilizers guarantee you'll get a great product
free from harsh chemicals. Our flours are 'whole grain' which means nothing has been taken out.
They still have all of their nutrients (think fiber and protein) with nothing added.
Just the wonderful flavors of heritage grains to enjoy!”

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You can find Meuer Farm whole grain flours in the majority of our loaves! Also, we use their
whole wheat pastry flour (+ King Arthur AP flour) in most of our sweet treats as well! We have always mixed
in whole grains since day one, giving our pastries some texture! 

Click here to read more about David & Leslie, as well as the other products they offer! Seriously,
they do SO much. We love it. Don’t miss out on the recipes they offer too (using their grains AND their honey!)


You can purchase their products right on the website, or visit the Stevens Point Area Co-op
633 2nd St. Stevens Point, WI. They carry some of their items as well! 

Lastly, they offer field trips for adults & kids! You are able to see how real food is grown on a working farm,
presentations on beekeeping, maple syrup making, and more! I’m personally
interested in the 45 min. hayride (we may have to take a bakery staff trip). 


That’s it for today, but more to come! 

Ta ta for now,

Sarah Jo More
owner & operator of MGB

Photos by Lisa Young Photography
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